Arashi's Graduation Trip
A special report while infiltrating on the actual set, the special serialization of "Arashi's Self Portrait" for the past 5 months has been looking towards the release of "Kiiroi Namida" and "H" has been chasing after Director Inudou Isshin's film of the same name, but at last, it will be released this spring.
It's the story five youth's summer, continuing to chase after their dreams during the advanced economic growth period, no matter what they do it doesnt go well, and because their dreams themselves are so big, its painful ... if youre an adult you can sympathize with that, all amidst the escaping smiles in the carefully portrayed and beautiful Showa scenery. The nostalgia of that summer with friends, reliving the memories of the amazingness of "that time", its a painful yet affectionate adolescent movie.
Because each member of Arashi has their own unique strengths, at the instant when all 5 of them gather, all while smiling, a warm, realistic aura radiates around them, just by watching them talk about trivial, meaningless things, a sort of bittersweet, almost wanting to cry feeling emerges --- thats the "youthful" them. So when Director Inudou saw the 5 of them, and wanted to make "Kiiroi Namida" as a result, it was robustly agreed upon.
The Arashi of 2006 have completed each of their own individual projects and were able to enter Asia together as a group, having begun to sow the seeds of unforgettable memories. Also being able to create the high quality movie "Kiiroi Namida" together, it feels like theres some kind of feeling there.
At the end of "Kiiroi Namida", the main characters graduate from their freedom. If you'll let us be so pushy as to say that we feel Arashi made a big leap in 2006, graduating from the first chapter of their lives and now entering into the second chapter of it. That being said, this time in "H" its a photo gallery with the theme of "If Arashi went on a graduation trip..." all during this year's graduation season, its a free for all discussion with all the members looking back over the events of 2006, followed by solo interviews on each member's thoughts on "Kiiroi Namida". We will now report the current position of Arashi from all angles!
When all 5 come together, all while still holding onto their different personalities and personal strengths, a special magnetic field is formed, the group Arashi. They're a mysterious group that becomes increasingly more attractive year after year by constantly improving their relationships within the group and performances at concerts into a "Now its the best" feeling, but we think that one main reason for this is their prime likability and intelligence, and as people, their honesty.
Success on their Asia Tour, completion of solo projects, the filming of Director Inudo Isshin movie "Kiiroi Namida"; Arashi's pleasant advance through 2006 was amazing, but while they solidify themselves firmly in society with an arashi-ish method, we can also confidently say that the people who know about their good qualities are increasing as a natural result.However, for Arashi this should have been a year with much meaning. Thereby we now proceed to Arashi's reminiscences of 2006.
By the way, because we interviewed them while wearing pajamas, the one sometimes referred to as "Pineapple Man" is Ohno-san. Dont take it the wrong way.
》》Looking back on 2006, what kind of year was it?
Sakurai: Looking back, you guys were around, ne.
Aiba: Huh? Whats that about?
Ninomiya: Our apologies. Details.
Matsumoto: Heheheh
Sakurai: (laughs) Looking back over 2006, just, weren't we always together?
Ninomiya: Yep.
Aiba: We were really together often, ne.
Sakurai: But really, the two months when Nino was off in America, only after he came back were we always together. So its not that "we were all always together", its after we had all finished our individual projects that we were always together. Somehow, its something we've never experi..
Aiba: (interrupting) Nervousness and relief, ne.
Sakurai: Hey, I'm talking here!
Aiba: Ah! Sorry! (laughs)
Sakurai: It's something we've never experienced up until now, ne. Go ahead Aiba!
Ninomiya: Hurry up and say it! That nervousness and relief.
Aiba: Uh.. you figure it out. (laughs)
Sakurai: Ahahaha!
Without decoration or impatience, doing things their own way, Arashi is a group that continues to raise the bar for the new idol groups. The complete recollection of the year 2006 in a long winded, nonchalant and free for all discussion, START!
In March, Ninomiya-san was in America for 2 months filming "Letters from Iwo-Jima" with Director Clint Eastwood. What kind of feeling was it for the four man Arashi without Ninomiya-san?
》》This was the first time that Arashi was only four of you, ne.
Ohno: It was strange, ne.
Matsumoto: As four, I thought the balance was off. (laughs)
Sakurai: Yea. For example, on variety shows, even when we were told to "talk idly please", since we had formed our respective standing positions together 7 years ago, with one of us missing its kinda like "huh? o..o.. one's missing!", ne.
Aiba: Yeah.
Sakurai: But continuing with that, its not like it was a bad thing. We knew when he was coming back, and we the period was a set amount of time, but that being that, it was a fresh feeling, ne.
Matsumoto: Fresh, ne. Amazingly.
》》Ninomiya-san, what did you think when you saw the four of them again?
Aiba: It was fun right?
Ninomiya: Yep. That being that, it was fun, ne. (laughs)
》》With Ninomiya-san returning after 2 months, did you notice anything about Arashi that had changed?
松本:「でも、何日間かは覚えてないけど、ちょっと5人 のテンション高かったよね」
櫻井:「何度も言うけど、5人じゃないって時を経験したことがないから、不思議なんだよね。4人で「嵐でーす」っていう感じが。それが、ニノが戻ってきて、ちゃんと嵐ができるっていう。ちゃんとって言ったら語弊あるけど、完全体の嵐 になるっていうか」
Sakurai: If we didnt change, we didnt change; if we did change, we did change. Maybe our bonds have strengthened, maybe our relationships have gotten closer, but there was somewhat of a change for our senses. In accordance with everything up until now very much... I dont know but, maybe we got a little stronger?
Ninomiya: I see. Like we've settled in?
Matsumoto: Reversely, that its getting bigger. (laughs)
Aiba: Everything returns to normal afterwards, it seems like.
Matsumoto: Here is good, ne, it seems like.
Sakurai: You're the best!, it seems like.
Ninomiya: What do you think, Pineapple Man?
Sakurai: Ahahahah!
Ninomiya: Say something for the time being, Pineapple Man!
Ohno: Just hmm.. when Nino came back everything was full of deep emotion. He was suddenly there, ne. Playing games.
Ninomiya: Bwaahaha
Ohno: Only, something fresh was there.
Aiba: His mustache'd figure?
Ohno: maybe?
Matsumoto: Although i dont remember for how many days it lasted, we were rather happy, ne.
Ohno: Yeah.
Sakurai: I dont know how many times i've said this, but we've never experienced being less than 5 people, its kinda strange, ne. The was a weird feeling when saying "We're Arash~i" with only four people, but when Nino returned, we could be the perfect Arashi again. Saying "perfect" there is kinda bad, but maybe more of the perfect form for Arashi.
Matsumoto: Also, saying "We're Arash~i!" with only four people, its a kinda awkward, ne.
》》From the other perspective, what was it like for you, Ninomiya-san, to finally see Arashi after so long?
Ninomiya: I was happy, ne, that simple. When i returned to Japan... the sun, ne, it seemed so low to the ground.
Sakurai: (snobbishly) It was illuminating you.
Ninomiya: (laughs) Was that it? Well, I naturally returned and joined everyone.
夏に発表されたアルバム「ARASHIC」では、ジャケット写真で世界地図を背負い、櫻井さんがリリックを担当した5人のラップ曲"Cool & Soul"で「第二章の募開け」を宣言。コンサートでは記者会見のセットに5人が横並びで座り、ラップをリレーしていくという構成でした。
In their summer release of "Arashic", with the picture of the world behind them as a cover, there was a proclamation of "the opening campaign's second chapter" in their rap song "Cool & Soul", of which Sakurai-san was in charge of lyrics. During their concert too, it was set up so they all sat in a line as if being interviewed, just like on the cover, and performed the rap.
》》「Arashic」って、アルバムもツアーも「5人である」ということが前面に押し出されたと思うんですけど、やっぱり要は "Cool & Soul" だと思うんですよ。
》》 For "Arashic", we think the "as five people" theme of your album and tour was able to surface, afterall that seems like it was the main point of "Cool & Soul".
大野:「いや、翔くんすげえなと思った、マジで。あのラップをね、最初翔くんの歌だけで聴いた時には、 「なんだ、コイツは」とっ思た。いつ考えてるんだろう?と」
松本:「すごい不思議だったのは、あれ、もともと "Always" っていうデモタイトルがついてたの。で、「この曲でラップをやって、すごい細かいパートで割って歌ったらよくない?」って翔くんに言ったら、翔くんも全く同じことを考えていて。もうその時に俺はライヴでやるときの絵も見えてたのね」
Ohno: Man, I thought Sho-kun was amazing, really. That rap, ne, the first time i heard Sho-kun's song, I thought "Huh? What the hell is he?". I wondered when he had had the time to think of it all.
Sakurai: That was cause god came down from heaven, ne.
Matsumoto: The really weird part was, hmm, it originally had the demo title of "Always". Then, when we asked Sho-kun "When doing this rap, is it ok if we break off into a small part and sing?", but he was thinking the exact same thing. I could already see the way we would do the concert, ne.
》》The live concert was extremely cool too, ne.
松本:「曲聴いて、「なんかこういう嵐 にしたいなあ」って思ったら、がっつりハマって。だから、意外にあれ作るのに悩んでないんだよね」
Matsumoto: When i heard the song I thought, "I want to do this kind of Arashi somehow", I was totally into it. So, surprisingly when I was making the concert, I wasn't troubled, ne.
》》 That was the highlight of the concert though. Even looking back now, it feels like "Ah, it really felt like that song", ne. Kind of like it was the symbol of the 2006 Arashi.
Sakurai: Yea, thats true. Not even thinking anything about it at the time, I ended up writing "then opening the curtain on chapter 2", but as a result of that flow i think it turned out good. Because of my dangerous mouth, I became the leader of it.
Matsumoto: He's a prophet, ne.
》》So, are you saying that it wasn't a mode of "this year lets go agressively"?
Sakurai: Nah, when i was handed the music I was told, "write something that makes it seem like all five of you can do the rap". For Arashi though, wouldn't the feelings of wanting to write such a thing have been an agressive action? Its not about "this year" or "the year 2006". When I'm writing the rap at home, I was only thinking of that single song on the album, but for the concerts you add in Matsujun's producing, and we can create a 3D presentation with visual meaning. Also, if you look back at our activities in 2006, I think it was right on the mark. So there's sort of a feeling like we were raising the song [like a child].
Ninomiya: Well, it seemed like we could do it, ne. But there are hind-sight opinions.
Matsumoto: But you know, finally doing something so bold like that, if nothing had happened, it'd be harsh, ne. (laughs)
Ohno: bwhehe
Sakurai: You guys aren't free at all? (laughs)
Matsumoto: "Where's the second chapter!"
Aiba: (laughs) It seems like there isnt as much work as last year too.
Ninomiya: It was dangerous, ne, being that way. (laughs) Chapter two is doubtful, ne.
Sakurai: I was surprised when i was asked by the J-Storm people, "honestly, when we were taking the pictures for the cover, it had already been decided you were going to Asia right?", because it still hadn't been decided on. So it really was a mysterious year. Everything was so connected.
Matsumoto: You didnt think that when you saw the cover? "Ah, we can go worldwide". (laughs)
Aiba: Trivial. (laughs)
Ninomiya: So trivial. (laughs)
Their moving into Asia has become a big topic, with touring Thailand, Taiwan and Korea and doing promotions all on July 31st, then the concerts in Taiwan and Korea (unfortunately the Thailand performance was canceled). It was a great sucess. But what kind of experience could it have been?
》》 When you went to Asia, as the real people themselves, how was it? Just a natural extention of events so far? Or did it have a special feeling to it?
Ninomiya: It was fresh.
Matsumoto: Yeah.
Ninomiya: It wasn't things like special or same as always, but at any rate, it was fresh.
Sakurai: It was a completely different feeling, ne.
Ninomiya: Yea. We went with a feeling like would we really be able to be received in a different country?
Matsumoto: Haha, thats so true, ne.
Ninomiya: But like, until he concert started, we couldnt believe it was happening, ne.
Sakurai: Yeah. Like when i was told the tickets were sold, it seemed like it should be more like "really? shouldnt there still be a lot left?". The feeling like isn't it actually that "there are a lot of open seats left, ne", turned out to be nothing. I never thought it'd be so amazing.
Matsumoto: When i heard that "the tickets are sold out", I had no idea what kind of people would be coming. Its the same in Japan, but in that situation, we wondered if maybe we should go and have a look at these so-called people for now? It seemed like when they came they wouldnt know the songs. Isn't the "its completely filled up" thing normal though?
Ninomiya: (laughs)It'd be funny if it didn't fill up at all.
Matsumoto: (laughs) I was thinking it'd be something pretty similar to that. So, when doing the concert, i wasnt sure if it was normal to do things the same way as in Japan. Because of that, I was rather nervous until it started, ne.
》》Were you able to properly think about the contents too?
Matsumoto: Because it was all decided things in reality, the contents were hectically changing up until the day before.
Ninomiya: While we were on our summer tour, when we went to Fukui was the first time we thought about the contents of the Asia Performance, I guess it took up until around the day before.
Sakurai: Strangely, Fukui is the meeting place place named "3 dome Fukui". But its only because the roof is dome shaped. (laughs)
Ninomiya: Then, we all played there, ne. We said things like "I can see alllll the way to the back!". (laughs)
Sakurai: The contents that were born at that place and connected to (for our triumphant return to Japan concerts) Osaka and Tokyo domes. So our dome tour first started there, ne. (laughs)
Ninomiya: Pineapple Man!
Ohno: I think thats probably true.
Sakurai: (laughs) Pineapple man, didnt you just say something good? "The concerts in Asia had the same feeling as when we first debuted." Please speak about that!
Ohno: It was almost the same as the feeling of debuting!
Sakurai: Thats all!
Matsumoto: Thank you!
Ninomiya: (laughs) All you did was say the same thing.
Ohno: But it was strange.
Ninomiya: What was strange?
Ohno: Simply, because it wasnt Japanese people, right? The staff was like half and half, even if you said "Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu!"you'd get no response at all. "Ah, they're not Japanese." (laughs)
Aiba: Ah, thats right, ne.
》》In actually it turned out that you could receive them rather enthusiastically, but now having that experience, did anything change?
松本:「日本でももちろんそうなんだけど、海外に行って俺たちの作るものが受け入れられたってことで、ああ~、なんか、認めざるを得ない良さが。。。嵐 にはあるなって思いました(笑)」
Matsumoto: Of course thats true, even for Japan, but the fact that our work could be accepted overseas was, ahh, just, our good qualities which must be approved of, but... I think Arashi has it in it. (laughs)
Sakurai: Hahahaha!
Aiba: Hahaha!
Sakurai: (laughs) Thats right, it must be approved of, ne!
Matsumoto: Its unfortunate but... (laughs)
Ninomiya: that, ne, it must be! (laughs)
Ohno: That was amazing.
Sakurai: Somehow, but when we create a ruckus with the five of us, do we go over walls, or break them down? I'm not sure, but based on the feeling of overcoming it, I think something similar to self-confidence was born. That's a luxury and the like, its not the bad kind of self-confidence, more of really looking towards the future.
Ninomiya: That must be...?
Sakurai: ...approved of, ne!
Matsumoto: It's self-confidence that must be approved of, ne.
Sakurai: Its a flawless luxury though. (laughs)
All: Hahahaha
Matsumoto: But when we're doing concerts, that moment is really great, ne. All of us stand in a line simultaneously, with a lot of breathlessness, and somehow there's a feeling that we made it through. Especially after the concert in Taiwan finished, I really felt it then. But persistancy/to the end, I think thats the point. If it ends there, I can say "that was great, ne", but even now its a story of progression. To the end, I dont think its anticipation, ne.
》》But all of that, even without saying, there was recognition among yourselves, ne.
Sakurai: Yeah. That feeling of "without saying", it was seen in a new light afterall. Quarrelling over nothing in particular, its not that everyone's uniform intentions were had, but we understood that we were probably thinking the same things. That might have been felt.
Matsumoto: Yeah. Just.. focusing on the point was amazing, ne.
Aiba: Yea thats true, ne. I can feel that.
》》Chapter two is starting now, ne.
Aiba: Since the time of Amaterasu, ne (laughs)
Ninomiya: (laughs)
Sakurai: In truth it's not "Bloom Sakura", its not that there was a big impact all of a sudden in 2006. Afterall, sowing seeds a little at a time, then the planted seed, its only halfway to being able to bloom, ne.
Aiba: Ahh, I see.
Sakurai: While sowing, while blooming
Matsumoto: ... while harvesting
Sakurai: ... while withering
Ninomiya: ... and its over
Aiba: Ahahaha!
Ohno: Scattering. Slowly sowing ephemerally.
Sakurai: Dont add that in! (laughs)
Ninomiya: (laughs) It doesnt fit you at all, your comment and those clothes.
Aiba: Wearing pineapples. (laughs)
》》But Arashi itself, without ever changing, isn't it that you've begun to do the things you can do solidly. Moreover at last you can feel a connection forming with society.
Ninomiya: Ahaha! Somehow doesnt that seems like its something we could never receive before until now.
Sakurai: Maybe it was too early (laughs)
》》You could recieve it (laughs), but isnt it that you were recognized on a wider scale?
Ninomiya: Cuz you can smell the underground smell, on you guys!
Sakurai: (laughs) on us, ne.
》》Having begun to destroy the concept of an idol, it's become something which must be accepted in society too.
Matsumoto: Oh, you used "it must be accepted", ne. Give me money later. (laughs)
Sakurai: It's has a copywrite on it now. (laughs)
》》(laughs) Then, in 2006, while working on individual activities, and that even though you're five people, you were always together, has that let you see things in a new light?
二宮:「(笑)いやいや、だからね、僕がいない時も、「黄色い涙」で4人で撮ってるシーンがあった時も、やっぱり嵐 は5人で嵐なんだなっていうことがね、わかったっていうことでしょ?」
Aiba: Its not a new discovery, honestly.
Ninomiya: It's seeing something in a new light. Well, maybe it's that its "5 people"
Matsumoto: Not four or six, ne.
Aiba: Whats that?
Ninomiya: If you dont understand, you can go home!
Aiba: Bwahaha. Is that right? (laughs) I can go home first?
Ninomiya: (laughs) No no, because ne, both when I wasn't here and the scenes where it was only 4 of us shooting "Kiiroi Namida", in the end Arashi can only be Arashi with the five of us ne, thats understandable right?
Sakurai: Thats right, ne.
》》In "Kiiroi Namida" too, the merit of all your roles and the atmosphere of the set was so good, I think it turned into an amazing youth based movie, but because each member's individual talents and personalities were there, gathering the five of you, the sense given off by strong youths appears, dont you think? Was there any feeling that you were impersonating adolescence?
Aiba: Not really, ne.
Matsumoto: More than anything, we're youths ourselves, ne! Other people, somehow, aren't important! (laughs)
》》You're adolescents?
Matsumoto: Ah (curtly)
Ohno: "Ah" (laughs)
Sakurai: Ahahaha! "Ah" (laughs)
Ninomiya: Talking to your wife? (laughs) "Honey, is Curry-Rice ok?""Ah"
Matsumoto: (laughs) Nah, of course we are. That kind of recognition, its our responsibility you know. But i wonder if its ok to have that recognition. Because, isnt being loved a good thing? Unless we properly do our share too, we probably won't be loved in return. Along with that, it's important for us to have fun, ne.
Sakurai: We're not very self-conscious about ourselves, ne. But i wonder if we could say that we like that part of us. But, the fans say that for us, so its not like we're going to do it. I think the fans will keep saying that they like that kind of us until the end. We're not so skillful that we can change, ne. All of us... what should we do, Captain?
Ohno: Probably won't change, ne.
Sakurai: "won't change"
Ohno: It wont change right?
Sakurai: "wont change"
Ohno: Just like this, ne.
Sakurai: Just like this
Ohno: Even after 8 years it wont change right? It probably wont change!
All: Ahahahah!
Aiba: Sure that might be true. (laughs) Even if its good, even if its bad, we wont change.
》》At the time of this story, Ohno said, "After i was little separated from someone while doing individual work, meeting up with everyone for many days, our relationship seems to have gotten better and is (kyakkya-ing)", but do you feel (kyakkya-ing)? [kyakkya - not sure whether to take it as loud boisterous talking or girls chatter, but its something to do with talking]
Matsumoto: (laughs) No, i dont feel it.
Ohno: (with a tiny voice) feel it~
Aiba + Ninomiya: Ahahah
Sakurai: (laughs) I dont feel it, but if you were looking in from the outside, there are definetly times when i wonder if that can be felt.
Matsumoto: Thats what leader was feeling
Ohno: I'm feeling it.
Sakurai: But really, that (kyakkya-ing ness)?
Ohno: But when doing interviews, isnt there a little bit of a waiting time between them?
Aiba: Yep.
Ohno: ... isnt that (kyakkya-ing)? (laughs)
Sakurai: Heheh. He looks so happy (laughs)
Ninomiya: (laughs) What are you saying, Pineapple Man?
》》But, with your relationships steadily getting better, and being allowed to refinishing your constantly perfect state, it's kind of strange, ne.
Ninomiya: Really? Thats normal for us, I dont understand how that's strange.
》》Ahh~, I see.
Matsumoto: Probably because Johnny-san is amazing, ne.
Ninomiya: It's destiny. Destiny.
》》Then, its your first performance in the dome, and you have various activities starting in April, but could you describe the Arashi from now on with one word?
Ninomiya: Pineapple Man!
Sakurai: One word about the Arashi from now on?
Ohno: ... it won't fit into just one word.
Sakurai: Yea, but it has to be one word.
》》... Well, could you tell me one at a time then?
Ninomiya: Bwahah
Sakurai: HAAHAHA
Matsumoto: You cant give up! (laughs) Because you have to become your nickname, "Leader".
Aiba: Failure! (laughs)
Ninomiya: Huge Failure, ne (laughs)
》》My apologies. (laughs)
Ohno: Wait, I'll think of one word.
》》Then let's start from Sakurai-san
二宮:「そうだなあ。まあ、年度で言うとな、2007年の動きだけど、俺らの気持ちで言うと、大阪、東京と、ドーム公演で2006年が終わると勝手に思ってるのね。凱旋公演って言ってるしさ、「ARASHI AROUND ASIA」だし。そっから新しいことを見つけていけばいいんじゃないのかなあ、とは思ってますけどね。だから、とりあえずドームで06年をきっちり諦めたいです。ありがとうございました」
Sakurai: Arashi from now on? Reckless.
Ninomiya: It's the year of the boar, ne. What about that spirit?
Sakurai: Of course 2006 has already been completed, and it was a really good year, I'm satisfied with it... ne? Because of the quantity and our improvements.
Ninomiya: Thats true. Well, speaking of the end of the year, 2007 is now here, but concerning our feelings, i was thinking selfishly of the Osaka and Tokyo dome performances as 2006 ended. (The returning home concerts after a successful tour abroad from our "Arashi Around Asia".) I've been wondering if maybe it'd be good if we could find new things. So first i want to abandon 2006 for good at the dome. Thank you.
Aiba: Thank you. Well.. Afterall, various things being gradually connected to each other and that which was gradually connected together, I really feel like we cant give up on trying to draw out feelings, ne. And of course we have a way to give that feeling too, ne. Thank you. (laughs)
Ninomiya: I dont understand your meaning at all! (laughs)
Aiba: You didnt get it? (laughs)
》》(laughs) Matsumoto-san?
Matsumoto: Isn't it that we wont quit hastening our steps, ne. It's like "Lets go!". I think its that we continue to challenge ourselves. Always continuing along our path means that we can't stray from the path, it's for this reason when i look back i can think that "Ah, that was great". So, honestly, i can only do the things that i do, ne. Leader, please finish it up!
Sakurai: Boss!
Ninomiya: Please!
Aiba: ..ease!
Ohno: It has a feeling of "lets go with fun!" afterall, ne. Surpassing our own strength, with the normal spontaneous Arashi, I'd like to progress forward enjoyably this year too, ne.
Aiba: Ok
All: Thank you!
(resized scans from arashi.vox.com)
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