No pictures this time around but original scans were found at Becs' vox
Different traits
Places to go on a date
Nishiki: Hawaii! Because its paradise there. (laughs)
Ni: I just want to hang out at home. Just being able to spend some time together is nice.
Nishiki: I get called impatient a lot. I change my clothes super fast after work is over. Because I just want to get home as fast as possible. (laughs)
Ni: Yeah~ You sure are impatient. Always rushing all over the place, especially when it's time to go home. Compared to you, I guess I take my time.
Similar Traits
Type of girl
Ni & Nishiki: I guess girls who are more cute.. than pretty.
Nishiki: I like them both really (laughs), but if I had to choose, then probably the one with more cute features in both her face and personality. Like when they're totally lost in themselves focusing on something.
Ni: Me too! I'm the same way.
Ni: I think people are basically the same inside. Without your friends around, you feel most calm at home, and even if you're at work, you just want to hurry back home. (laughs)
錦 無??に「あれ、どうしましょう」って相談っぽい話をしちゃう。「あの時恥ずかしかったんですよ~」なんて話したときに、「あ~わかるよー」って二宮くんがひとこと言ってくれるだけで、気持ちが落ち着いたりして。
二 確かに僕は相談されるほうが多いかな…。でも解決?をいっぱい知っているわけじゃないから、一所懸命聞くことで相手が楽になるんだったらって思うんだよね。
First time co-stars
Nishikido-kun (from here on NIshiki) - We play brothers on "Ryuusei no Kizuna", so this is the first time I've every called NInomiya-kun "big brother". He'll even promptly take the role of leader on the set for me, now I'm calling him "big bro". (laughs)
Ninomiya-kun (from here on Ni) - Thats true, just like real brothers. This is our first time working together, but its not so much senpai/kohai, more of 'big brother and little brother', its fun.
Nishiki - I'll ask him stuff like "ah what should i do?" randomly too. When I tell him something like "Ah, that was embarassing~", with just his short answer of "ah~ I know", I feel a little more at ease.
Ni - Its true that I'm often the one giving the advice... But its not like I feel like I know everything, I just think if i really listen to what they're saying it'll help them feel better.
Ninomiya-kun, quietly listening while examining his bag, and replying with a gentle expression. While at the same time, Nishikido-kun watches intently and every once in awhile laughs over a sudden joke in the conversation. At first glance they look like two completely different types, but there doesnt seem to be any struggle at all, the atmosphere around them flows out naturally.
錦 二宮くんって、共演者でもスタッフでも誰とでもナチュラルにしゃべれる人だと思う。周りの人が自然に話しかけたくなる空気を持っているっていうか。
二 そうかなあ(笑)。それを言うなら、僕みたいに多くしゃべらなくても、みんなが錦戸くんを好きになるんだよね。そういう、人を?きつける魅力があるんだと思う。
錦 いや~、どう話したらいいんだろうってドキドキして、自分からはなしかけられなくて(苦笑)。でも、初対面の人には「よろしくお願いします」ってきちんと挨拶だけはしようと思ってます。
二 僕は会話って話しかけたほうに責任があると思ってるから、キャッチボールが一回で終わらないように気をつけてる。相手が「はい」って行って終了ってならないように、とか(笑)。
錦 そう変わっていけたらなあ…。
二 以前、毎週いろいろなおじいちゃん、おばあちゃんのところに行って話しを聞くロケをずっとやってたから、だいたい話せるようになったかな(笑)。
Nishiki - It's like you can talk to anyone so naturally, no matter if its another actor, the staff, or whoever. It's like you have this air around you that makes people just want to talk to you.
Ni - Is that right? (laughs) If you're going to say that, then like me, even if you don't talk very much I still think people will come to like you. I think you have the ability to attract people.
Nishiki - Nah, I'm always nervous about what I should talk about next, I can't really speak from my heart. (bitter smile) But when I meet someone for the first time, I always greet them properly and such.
Ni - I think speaking holds its own responsibilities in a conversation. I always try to never let it drop, kinda like when playing catch. Like trying to keep the other person from saying things like "yeah.." or its over. (laughs)
Nishiki - Thats a different way of thinking about it...
Ni - Well before I was forever going to locations with different grandmas and grandpas every week, where we'd talk and listen to them. I guess I just got better at it over time. (laughs)
錦 僕は眠いときや怒ったとき、すぐに顔に出っちゃうけど、二宮くんは耐えられるよね。
二 う~ん、そんなつもりはないんだけどなあ。眠いときは眠いし、「眠いの?」って聞かれたら「眠い」って素直に答えるし(笑)。でも、僕は生きててあまりいらってすることがないのかも。とくに友達に関してはだいたいのことは許せるし、耐えられるんだよね。
Full of expression?
Nishiki - Whenever I'm sleepy or angry or whatever, it always shows up on my face instantly, but Ninomiya-kun seems like he can hold it in.
Ni - Yeah~ but it's not like i'm purposely doing it. I'm tired when I'm tired, so if someone asks me if i'm tired, I'll tell them I am honestly. (laughs) But I really hardly ever get mad. Especially when it concerns my friends, I can forgive them of almost anything, so I guess I can hold it in.
二 人とのつき合いってさ、深まるにつれていい関係になっていくといいよね。だんだん仲良くなって敬語がダメ口になっていったりするのもアリだし。出あった頃を懐かしく振り返れるような温かい関係になれるのが理想かな。
錦 確かに。無理はせず、でもある程度の気違いはしつつ…。”努力と我慢のバランス”が大事なのかな。無理して自分を作って人と接すると、あとで疲れるし(笑)。
二 そうだね。でもぼくたち、”友達があまりいない””家が一番好き””仕事をしていても早く帰ろうとする”――そういうネクラな感じ…結構一緒だよね(笑)。
Important things
Ni - In relationships with people, I think it's best when you can create long-lasting, deep bonds between the two of you. You get to be closer and closer, and speaking politely turns into more of a joke than formalities, right? I guess I just want to be able to fondly reminesce on the days we first met with warm feelings.
Nishiki - Thats for sure. Without force, but there'll always be a certain degree of madness... I guess the "balance between hard work and self-control" is important. Forcing things, and creating a new you for someone else, it just gets tiring. (laughs)
Ni - Thats true. But our "dont have that many friends", "like being at home", "wanting to go home even when we're working"... it's a lot of the same introverted stuff. (laughs)
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