April Oristar - Ohno - the one where he's peeling an apple
Ohno's solo song as a single! Just leaving it up to the flow of things
大野 ドラマにぴったりの曲だなっていうのが第一印象。派手に明るくもなく、肩の力を抜いた状態で歌えそうで、そこもドラマと一緒だなって思いました。それに、すごく耳に残るよね。「DAN DAN DANG!」って何だろう?っていう感じだけど(笑)。
-In 'Kumori nochi, Kaisei', the lyrics, melody, and song itself all join together to form this happy tone. What was your first impression of it?
My first thought was how perfect it was for the drama. It wasn't showy and bright, but something you could sing when you felt a little down and out, I thought that part went well with the drama too. It's also pretty catchy. Like 'what the hell is "DAN DAN DANG" anyhow??' (laughs)
大野 こういう曲だから、ノリで歌えた感じ。レコーディングは、笑いながら歌ってました。
-How was it after actually singing it?
I could have fun while singing it since it's just that kinda song. I was smiling while recording it.
大野 ディレクターさんが笑いながら歌ってっていうから、ま、後半は疲れて普通に歌っていましたけど(笑)。
The director told me to smile while singing, but well, I got tired half way through and just sang it normally from then on. (laughs)
大野 大丈夫かい?って(笑)。何か不思議だし、よくわからないけど、あんまり変な意識もしていない。流れに身をまかせてという感じ。嵐の曲もレコーディングはいつもひとりだから、実際、そんなに意識することもなく、いつもと変わらない感じでやれましたよ。
-How did you feel about releasing the single under your characters name?
"Are you sure this is okay?" (laughs) It's all a little strange and I'm really not too sure, but it doesn't feel any different really. I'm just leaving it up to the flow of things. We always record alone for Arashi's songs too, so really, I didn't really sense anything different from normal, I just went through it like I always do.
大野 うん。ディレクターさんやスタッフさんの言うことをできる限り、聞き入れて、自分なりに表現しただけ。そこもいつもと同じ。
-It's said that among Arashi's various activities, you usually don't give much of an opinion, but did you take the same stance with this solo song as well?
Yeah. I listen to everything the director and staff tells me, as much as possible, but I just express things with my own flair. That's the same as always too.
大野 あれは、いっぱいいっぱいだった。ずっとドラマの撮影が入っていたから、合間にビデオを観てフリを覚えようとするけど、頭に入って来なくて。現場に入ったら、セットがすごくしっかりしてて、“やべぇ!ちゃんとしなきゃ!”って(笑)。
-The music video was really good too.
That was really everything I had at the time. I was constantly filming for my drama, and I tried to remember the dance from watching the video in any spare moments I had, but I just couldn't get it down. When the day came and I got on the set and it was so well put together, I was like "crap! I need to pull myself together and do this!" (laughs)
大野 いや、あの上半身のところだけは何も決まってなかった。監督が「自分でなんとなくやってみて」って。
- (laughs) I especially thought the first half of the performance, that your arm movements were good. Were those all planned out ahead of time as well?
No, that was the only part not decided on. The director told me to just "come up with something on the fly".
大野 あそこは、いちばん最初に撮影したから朝早くて…。感覚だけでもう、パッパッパッと動いていただけですけど(笑)。
- I knew it! Like you were just naturally playing around to the music, it wasn't overly exaggerated, but creative movements all the same, so I thought maybe it was just you behind it.
That was the very first thing we filmed, so it was very early.... With my senses alone, I was swaying around like that. (laughs)
大野 毎日、音楽は聴いているけど、特別あことじゃなくて。本当に常にBGMみたいに流れているんですよ。好きっていうより、クセみたいなもんだと思う。止められないクセ。
-You really are very good with music. Youre just full of rhythm in your dancing at concerts too. I figure you must have been a person who just enjoys dancing and music.
I listen to music everyday, but it's nothing special. It's really just like some background music to me. I think it's more of a habit than something I like persay. A habit I can't seem to stop.
大野 洋楽ばっかりだねぇ。あ、でも、ドラマ「魔王」(TBS系)のサントラはよく聴いてる。あれ、考えた人は天才だと思う。
- What do you listen to normally?
It's all western music. Ah, I listen to the soundtrack from my drama, Maou (TBS), a lot too. Whoever made it is a genius.
アート、ダンス、音楽 好きなものを一途に追求
Art, Dance, Music Wholeheartedly pursuing the things he enjoys
大野 でも、今も仕事というよりは、基本的に好きなことは好きなこと。歌はあんまり考えないで鼻歌歌っている時とか、カラオケで適当に歌っている時がいちばん好きだし。踊りもね、何となく曲が流れて自然にリズムにのっている時がいちばん楽しいし。昔は、ダンスとか、もっと技術的に上手くありたいっていう気持ちも強かった。誰にどう思われるとかじゃなく、自分の中で納得のいく踊りがしたいなって思っていたけど、今はそういうのもなくなって、ただ、好きは好きになってる。
- You always try to become the master of the things you enjoy, like singing, dancing, and art. Now it's even become a part of your work as a result.
But really they're just things I like, not work so much. I don't think too much of singing, like when I'm humming a melody, or singing at karaoke, that's when I like it the best. And with dancing too, it's the most fun when I just catch on to the melody and start moving around naturally. I used to be really into dancing, trying to be all perfect. I wanted to dance to satisfy myself, not so much worrying about what other people thought, but I don't do that so much anymore, just, what I like is what I like.
大野 ウインドミルはねぇ…(ジャニーズ)Jr.のころに究めたくなって、一回挑戦したら落っこちちゃって。激しく股間を打って、猛烈に痛くて、それ以来二度とやっていない(笑)。
- On the artistic side of things, it seems like you are good at anything, but were you always that way? Like how there are people that after practicing 100 times can finally do a windmill move in breakdancing, and those that can do it after only 10 times.
Windmills... I wanted to be able to do that when I was a Jr., I tried it once and fell down. I hit my crotch area really hard, and it hurt so horribly, that I never ever tried it again. (laughs)
大野 でも、踊りは時間がかかったほうだと思うよ。うまい人のビデオをずーっと観て、練習して、なかなかできなくて(笑)。でも、踊りって時間をかけてやったほうがいい。100回練習したほうが、最終的には、いい踊りができるようになっていたりするから。努力したほうが勝つ(笑)。アートもそうなのかなぁ。フィギュアなんて特に失敗ばっかりするんだよ。その時々はイヤだけど、失敗するから、また作りたくなって、結果的に100個作ろうと思って、それを達成もできたし(笑)。
- I only meant it as an example. (laughs)
But I think dancing is something that takes time. I'll watch this really skilled person on a video, and practice, but I just won't be able to get it. (laughs) I think it's best to put some time into your dances. Practicing 100 times, will in the end, let you dance it much better. Those who work hard win. (laughs) I guess art is the same way. It's really nothing but failures with my figures. Occasionally it sucks, but because of my failures I'll want to make them even more, and end up thinking I'll just make 100, in the end I did. (laughs)
大野 好きなものって、いくら失敗してもやりたくなっちゃうんだよね。
- I wouldn't think of making 100 of them. (laughs)
When I like something, no matter how many times I mess up, I just want to do it more and more.
大野 自分の好きなことはやりづらくなるのが嫌になる時はありますけどね…。でも、今はいいやって思うようにしてる。
- Have there been any changes within yourself since last year when your solo work started to pick up?
There are times when I don't like that the things I want to do have become harder and harder to do.... But I'm just trying to not worry about it for now.
大野 うん。やれば、実になるしね、今はいろいろ考えすぎないようにしている。流れに逆らわないっていうか…。
- You've become able to think that way?
Yeah. When I do, it becomes true, I'm trying not to overthink too many things lately. Just going with the flow.. I guess.
大野 妄想で(笑)。今は好きなことがやれない分、終わったら、あそこで釣りしようとか、あれ作ろうかなとか、撮影の合間に妄想してる。
- That's your philosophy. But how do you deal with the stress of not being able to do what you want?
Daydreams. (laughs) As much as I can't do things now, I'll daydream during my breaks about when it's all over and about going fishing there or trying to make something.
大野 流されない。疲れちゃうから。
- (laughs) You really are very determined, won't be pushed aside that easily.
No I wont. It'll get tiring.
大野 ま、しゃべりたい時にしゃべればいいやって、本当はダメなのかもしれないけど(笑)。昔から、“みんなでゴハンに行こう”っていう時も行きたくなければ行かないって言っちゃうタイプだったし。
- On your variety shows, you won't talk when you wont, (laughs) that's very bold of you!
My "you should talk when you want to talk" might really be a bad thing though. (laughs) I'm the type where if they don't want to go out, they'll say they're not going.
大野 そこも変わらない。周囲が騒いでいてもいまだにわからない。不思議でしょうがないもんね。自分は何でここにいるのかなって(笑)。
- You've mentioned you had no desire to enter the entertainment world from the very start, but what about now that it's your 10 year anniversary?
That hasn't changed either. Even if everyone around me gets worked up, I still don't really understand. It's realy unavoidably strange to me. 'Why am I here anyhow?' (laughs)
大野 たぶん、芸能界が根本的に苦手なのかも。そっとしておいて欲しいタイプだから、ドラマとかで「大野さん入りま~す!」とか大声で言われるとけっこう困る(笑)。
- Even after putting out a solo song?
I'm probably just fundamentally not good with the entertainment business. I like and want things to be handled in a quiet manner, so when I come on set for my drama and someone in a loud voice yells out 'Ohno-san is here~~!', it's really quite upsetting. (laughs)
大野 年上の人とかに言われてみ!困るよ。何も言わないで!静かに入るからって(笑)。そういうのにいちいち慣れない。注目されるのも苦手だけど、おだてあげられるのもまたダメなんだよなぁ。
- Well of course they'll say that. (laughs)
You try having older people say it to you! It's upsetting. Don't say anything! I'll come in quietly. (laughs) Because of that I just can't get used to it. I don't like it when people pay attention to me, and giving flattery is no good either.
大野 かわす。嵐の中にいる時は、後ろに隠れて、「マツジュン、行け!次は、翔くん行け~!」って(笑)。
- How do you deal with it?
Avoid it. When I'm with the rest of Arashi, I'll hide in the back. "MatsuJun, Go! You next Sho-kun, Go~!" (laughs)
大野 そうだね。ライヴはお祭りとして楽しいし、舞台は終わった後がいちばん好き。やっている最中は、怖いけど、それを越えて終わった後の達成感が好きなんだと思う。
- You're really just using them as a shield. (laughs) But you really do like your job don't you?
Yeah. Concerts remind me of the fun of a festival, and I love the feeling after a stageplay is over. I'm frightened while doing it, but I find the achievement you feel afterwards as a result to be really nice.
大野 好きだけど、絵もフィギュアも基本は自己満足だからね。自由に思いのままに作ることがすべて。やっぱりね、人の評価じゃないんだよ。もちろん結果として、それを見て喜んでくれる人がいるのはうれしいけど。
- What about in creating things?
I like it, but with my paintings and figures, it's really all about satisfying myself. Creating something that flows freely from within me is everything. So really, it's not how people appreciate it or not. Of course I'm happy if there are people who enjoy the end result.
シンプルで変わらない男 嵐を続ける理由とは?
A simple, unchanging man Why does he stay with Arashi?
大野 な、何で?そんなこと考えたこともないや(笑)。
- You have such simple demands on life. But even so, being in the entertainment world like this, why do you continue on with Arashi anyhow?
Eh, "why"? I've never thought about it before. (laughs)
大野 うん。たしかに、自分のためだけにやってるわけじゃないね。
- Just, in listening to your story, it seems as if you don't do it for yourself so much.
Yeah, that's true. I'm not doing it just for my own benefit.
大野 …そうだね。意識したことなかたけど、そうなのかもしれないね。自分自身はどこに行っても、どうなってもいいやって思ってるから(笑)。でもね、嵐になって10年間、普通の人では体験できないようなことがたくさんできたから、それは宝だなって思う。10年前は、こんなに忙しい自分になると思わなかったし、いまだに苦手なこともいっぱいあるけど(笑)、嵐を経験できて良かったって、それはすごく思ってる。
- Perhaps it's for those people around you. It feels like you're working hard because the other members, fans, and staff are wanting you.
...Yeah. I've never seen that myself, but that might be true. Because no matter what happens to me or where I end up going, I never think too much on it. (laughs) But after 10 years in Arashi now, I've been able to experience so many things that normal people would never even get to see, I really do treasure it. 10 years ago, I never saw myself as becoming this busy, and there are still tons of things I'm really bad with. (laughs) But I really am glad to have been able to be a part of Arashi.
大野 全っ然!オレ、超子供だよ。会社のエラい人にいまだに、「子供じゃないんだから」って怒られる(笑)。
- So interesting. So pure, but at the same time understanding, maybe you really are an adult?
No way! I'm super childish. The top guys at work still get mad at me even now, 'You're not a kid you know.' (laughs)
大野 うん。でも、変わりたくないよね。変に変わりたくない。
- That's because there are many aspects of you that haven't changed.
Yeah. But I don't want to either. I don't want to turn into something weird.
大野 わかんないなぁ。「将来の夢は?」って聞かれても、こんな俳優になりたいとか、こんな仕事がしたいとかいう目標も特にないし。でも、たぶん、自分の好きなものを見つけて楽しんでいるんじゃない?あと、釣りは飽きないから、釣りだけはきっと続けていると思う(笑)。
- How do you see the next 10 years turning out?
I have no idea. Even when I was asked what my dreams for the future were... I never had any specific goals like wanting to become an actor or do this kind of work. But, I'm probably just enjoying the fun things I've found along the way, right? My love of fishing won't ever die either, I think I have faith that I'll always continue on with that. (laughs)
大野 一匹も釣れなくても5時間も6時間もやってるからね。誰か止めてくれる人を連れて行かないと(笑)。
- You really do like it, don't you.
I'll can keep fishing for up to 5 or 6 hours, even without catching a single thing. I have to bring someone with me that will make me stop. (laughs)
大野 日焼け止めは塗ったのにねぇ。
- That's right, last year you became so tan from fishing, people were saying you shouldn't be so dark like that. I remember that your skin color was so different from the rest of the members that photoshoots were a bit troublesome. (laughs)
I even put on sunblock too...
大野 だって、別に大丈夫だよって思っちゃう。なんなら、他の4人が黒くなればいいよ(笑)。
- And therein lies the problem. (laughs) Maybe you really aren't an adult.
But I don't think it's such a big deal. Anyhow, the other four should just go get darker, that's all. (laughs)
[this is good] I love how the interview seemed to flow so naturally yet I can't help but squeal and smile like crazy for every answer... Oh how can Oh-chan be this adorable without much effort?? Hehe.
I agree with Riida, a tanned Arashi is the way to go!
Thank you so much for the translation~ <333
Posted by: Pura | 03/10/2009 at 09:14 PM
a really interesting interview.. I like how it dealt with the riida complex of not liking attention but being in the industry,, but he does work hard for the people around him. ^^
Posted by: 盧家宜 | 03/14/2009 at 07:12 PM