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I'm a huge fan of Arashi, but
I've never been to a concert... so I'd definitely like to make it to
the next one!! So, are there any movements I should remember, or things
you'd think would help to make it more fun?
see.. everyone dances with 'Hadashi no Mirai', so maybe you could
remember that one. Also the hand movements for 'Oh Yeah!'? Maybe just
those for now? I'd be a little surprised if you could just dance
'Truth' right away. (laughs)

>>> thanks for sharing this :) omg! the 2 girls seated next to me in taipei con last year could dance truth!!!!! as well as one love :) i was amazed :d


somehow i really liked these questions, no matter how much amateur// rather than normal duet questions.?

i wanted to read all of it, even though it was long :)


thanks for translating. i did enjoy reading and learning things from Arashi. ;)


Thanx a lot 4 translating & sharing it!
Luv ya!


HAven't read it, but will bookmark this page ^ ^

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